Dang it's hot! Our church has signed up for a softball league this year that runs through September. It's the best way to trick me into exercising and it makes for good fellowship as well. You really learn to work as a team and that is important if you are going to be working for God. I'm still not sure that the short stop isn't trying to kill me when he throws 85 miles an hour at my glove but I'm doing better now - trying to keep my eyes open at least... We have lost the first two games we played which is not good for the morale of more competitive people on our team. It really burns them up even though we didn't loose by much either time. I'm just thankful the Lord allows me to move as fast as I do for the shape I am in. I would venture to say my spirituality is in about as good condition as my body unfortunately. As I have begun to realized the importance of exercising the outside of me I have also realized the spiritual side of me needs more exercise too. I have spent several years chasing professional success, put quite a lot of energy and sacrifice into my tweening children and at the age of 35 I'm coming to grips with the fact that I need to focus on what matters most to me. My pursuit of career has been fruitless really, I'm not well off by any means and I work really hard for little recognition, so starting now - starting today, I am reprioritizing. I will put God first. I will put myself second. The things I can control about myself like what I eat, the nurture of my soul, how I care for the person I am will get the focus of my attention. My family will be second - Chris before the boys because he needs me too. Then will come others and lastly my job. I have realized as of late, I cannot control anything but myself so why invest so heavily in trying to impress others or change others actions or thinking? I'm not saying I won't do a good job where I work, I'm just saying that my life is passing me by while I am investing in fruitless endeavors. So, softball it is. Bible study it is. Family time it is. Work when it has to be. If it's not good for me I'm not doing it. This is the first summer I have actually had time to think and it may have been the best therapy I could have paid for. SO bring on the sultry summer softball that I don't have time for. It's what is best for me right now. P.S. Come watch one of our games -we'll even let you play~!
PUMC Softball Schedule
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