Well yesterday was a long day. I went to the dermatologist and had a chunk of my face cut out I took a picture but will spare you... Then I had a visit with a cousin I had not seen since kindergarten. He moved to Ohio in 1st grade but his father recently died and he was home to have the gravestone set. Lannie Gilliam III is his name and I have fond memories of games of chase on the playground at PES with Lannie. My other cousin Heather Pool (Tucker) she's really a Gilliam too was supposed to come pick from out garden but her company lasted too long and she didn't make it. Cousins are a strange thing. They are family you don't think about often but someone with whom you possess the same genetic code. They can look like you yet hold completely different family values. Nature versus nurture I suppose. Cousins are a glimpse of what life might have been like had you chosen a different path. I love my cousins though I am not really close to any but Heather (she's a 6th cousin). My mother loves history, family history especially, but I must say nurture is the key to who you become in my opinion. Nature is only the starting place. The woman on the far right is Linda, my cousin Heather's mother. I look more like her than my actual mom I think and could pass for a double for Heather's grandmother! She was also a tall woman - notice I am the giant in the family. Well, I have grass to mow and okra to pick. See you soon!